January 10, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
January 10, 2017

Attendees: Chair Wicker, Supervisor Loewen, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Joe Hendricks, Gene Merten and Erin Gutwasser.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Wicker with the pledge to the flag.

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.

Board meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m.

Motion by Chair Wicker/Supervisor Loewen to approve the December 13, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Eight (8) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of December in the amount of $81,268.45 (see claims list attached). In addition, payroll expenditures for the quarter ending December 31, 2017 were approved and paid in the amount of $7,024.48. Receipts for December totaled $299,554.99.  Motion by

Chair Wicker/Supervisor Loewen to approve the Treasurer’s report subject to Audit and pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

A brief discussion was held regarding the upcoming 2018 budget and levy reporting and the yearly audit on January 23rd. Further discussions will be held at the February 14th and March 7th Board meetings.

New Business:
Absentee Ballot Board Resolution – 2017/Approve Election Judges – Twp Election/March 14, 2017:  Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Chair Wicker to accept Resolution No.2017-01 appointing Absentee Ballot Board for March 14, 2017 Township Election and for approving Alice Robinson, Marlene Kunkel, Joan Nystrom and Lori Hunt as Election Judges for the Township Election on March 14, 2017. All in favor, motion carried.

All-Hazard Mitigation Plan/Letter of Intent:  Stearns County Emergency Partners is in the process of updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan for 2017. A letter of intent requesting participation in updating goals was signed and will be mailed to Erin Hausauer, Stearns County Emergency Manager. Hausauer to speak at the February 14th Board meeting.

Old Business:
2017 Road Projects
83rd Avenue/Preliminary Estimates Randy Sabar:t: The Board  set a special meeting on Tuesday, January 17th with the City of Kimball and Randy Sabart,(SEH) to discuss 83rd Avenue Road Improvements and set a course of action moving forward.

137th Street and Lakeside Court: The Report of Geotechnical Explorations for 137th Street and Lakeside Court has been received from Independent Testing Technologies. Matter tabled pending further discussion with the parties involved.

2015 Resurface Project – Retainage: Chair Wicker waiting for a call back about this matter.

Roads Standards Ordinance/Policy:  Road Standards Ordinance/Policy:  Deputy Clerk Robinson presented the final draft document for Board review. Supervisor Loewen moved to adopt this as an ordinance contingent upon response from Township Attorney. Seconded by Chair Wicker. All in favor, motion carried.

Discussion Items:

  • Review Town of Maine Prairie Newsletter/Kimball Friends of the Library/ Newsletter Contribution:  Erin Gutwasser was present to speak to the Board. Gutwasser/Friends of the Library volunteered to fold/ stuff and prep for mailing, the Maine Prairie Township Annual Newsletter along with a communication letter outlining an action plan for the Kimball Branch Library. After final Board review of the Maine Prairie Township Annual Newsletter, Clerk Hunt to contact Gutwasser and set up a date to work on this project. Clerk Hunt to order labels from the County.
  • Supervisor Loewen to complete Board of Appeals Online Training.
  • Board of Appeals and Equalization to be held at Maine Prairie Township hall on April 25 at 4:30 p.m.
  • Annual worker’s comp audit will be completed and sent to MATIT prior to January 31st.
  • Chair Wicker to check with Holy Cross School regarding an alternate emergency polling place.
  • 2017 Standard Mileage Rate – 53.5 cents/mile.
  • The Township Election and Annual Meeting will remain in March. The County to replace election equipment in 2018.

There being no further business, motion by Supervisors Loewen/Chair Wicker to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:15 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectively submitted,

Lori Hunt