April 11, 2017
Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
April 11, 2017
Attendees: Chair Loewen, Supervisor Kuechle, Supervisor Wicker, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Joe and Eric Hendricks, Tom Krupke, Sam DeLeo, Tom Zipoy, Richard Eckman, Randy Meierhofer, Eva Smith, Jim, Remus, Jake Scepaniak, Jeff Kraemer, Todd Schendzielos, Brian Erdmann, Troy Cremers, Mike Lutgen, Adam Kuseske, Heidi Winskowski, Tammy Konz.and Dan Spychala
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Loewen with the pledge to the flag.
Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.
Board meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m.
Order of Business changed to open and review 83rd Avenue Road Improvement bids.
Bid opening 83rd Avenue Road Improvement Quotes: The following six companies submitted 83rd Avenue Road Improvement Project bids:
- William D. Scepaniak, Inc.
- Kraemer Trucking
- Midwest Contracting
- Knife River Corporation – North Central
- Rice Contracting
- Schiendzielos & Son, Inc.
After Board discussion, it was decided to meet with the City of Kimball and further discuss a course of action moving forward before awarding any bid.
Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Chair Loewen to approve the March 7, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Eighteen (18) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of March in the amount of $38,868.10 (see claims list attached). In addition, payroll expenditures for the quarter ending March 31, 2017, were approved and paid in the amount of $6,946.41. Receipts for March totaled $41,998.29. Motion by Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle to pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
New Business:
Johannes/Remus Land Dispute: The Township received a complaint from Mr. James Remus who indicated his neighbor, a Mr. Randy Johannes, will not let him cross his property to access his (Remus’ storage building). Remus’ building is located to the south of a town road, and Johannes claims he owns about 5’ of land between the town road and the Remus property. Mr. Johannes had the property surveyed with stakes in place.
Clerk Hunt consulted with Attorney Mike Couri on the Remus/Johannes issue, and upon Mr. Couri’s advice, this does appear to be a private property dispute, and the Township need not get involved if it does not want to.
Nuisance Ordinance: Don Serbus and Jim Remus Complaint:
Nuisance complaints were received from Don Serbus and Jim Remus. The Board explained that the Township does not have a Nuisance Ordinance we can enforce. The Board advised the complainants that they would need to contact the County for any recourse.
Annual Spring Road Assessment: Tabled until the May 9th meeting.
Comprehensive Growth Plan: Tabled until the May 9th meeting.
Dust Control (Tri-City Contract): The Board discussed which roads in the Township will again receive Calcium Chloride and the contract with Tri-City Paving was signed by Chair Loewen. Clerk Hunt to send Contract to Tri-City Paving.
Wild Parsnip Treatment Funding: Stearns County is currently in the second year of the two year Cooperative Weed Management Program (CWMA grant) targeting Wild Parsnip and Common Tansy. The Township used this same type of grant in 2014 to do treatments for Wild Parsnip. Through this grant the Township will get some relief on their spraying bill this year. Clerk Hunt to fill out the appropriate paper work and send back to Bob Dunning at Stearns County. The maximum reimbursement through this grant is 75% of $1,200 or $900.
Gravel/Pricing: Chair Loewen to bring a gravel sample from each the Rose Pit and the Sommers Pit to have tested for binding material at Independent Testing Technologies. Supervisor Wicker moved to award either the Rose Pit or the Sommers Pit gravel contingent upon which gravel sample meets the Township standards. Seconded by Supervisor Kuechle. All in favor, motion carried.
Holy Cross Gambling & Liquor Permit: Supervisor Kuechle moved to grant approval for the Holy Cross Gambling & Liquor Permit. Seconded by Supervisor Wicker. All in favor, motion carried.
Rudy/Minnows Unlimited Inc. Liquor License: Chair Loewen moved to grant approval for the Rudy/Minnows Unlimited Inc. Liquor License. Seconded by Supervisor Kuechle. All in favor, motion carried.
Weed Spraying Notice: Clerk Hunt to publish Weed Spraying Notice in the Tri-County News on May 18th and May 25th.
125th Avenue – Road Maintenance: A group of residents residing on 125th Avenue were present to speak to the Board about road maintenance on 125th Avenue. Mike Lutgen spoke on behalf of the residents asking the Township to take over grading, Chloride and snowplowing. 125th Avenue is not a Township road but a driveway serving the residents living there. The Board informed Lutgen that in order to take over the maintenance on 125th Avenue, the road will need to meet the Township’s specifications, as noted in the Township’s Road Ordinance. A copy of the Road Ordinance was given to Mr. Lutgen. The Board also informed Lutgen that Calcium Chloride would not be beneficial to 125th Avenue. Clerk Hunt to check with the County to see if the road was platted. Clerk Hunt also to check with the City of Rockville to see if 125th Avenue had prior road maintenance. More discussion will follow at the May 9th meeting.
Old Business:
2017 Lawn Care Agreement: Supervisor Kuechle moved to approve the Lawn Care Agreement for the 2017 mowing season with Lawncare. Seconded by Chair Loewen. All in favor, motion carried.
Website Hosting/Management: Chair Loewen moved to sign the contract with GovOffice and pay the one-year fee of $1,275.00. Seconded by Supervisor Kuechle. All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion Information:
- Board of Appeals scheduled for Thursday, April 25th at 4:30 p.m.
- Semi-Annual Mtg/Town Officers Association Thursday, April 27 at 7:45. Clerk Hunt to make a reservation for Supervisor Kuechle.
- Motion by Supervisor Wicker/Chair Loewen, to waive the rental fee for Adam Kuseske’s reservations to use the Town Hall for two different occasions.
There being no further business, motion by Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:45 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Hunt