May 9, 2017
Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
May 9, 2017
Attendees: Chair Loewen, Supervisor Kuechle, Supervisor Wicker, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Eric Hendricks, Richard Eckman, Dave and Joan Weyers, Tim Ferrell, Eugene Merten, Mike Lutgen, Glenn Willard and Doug ?.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Loewen with the pledge to the flag.
Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.
Board meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m.
Order of Business changed to accommodate 125th Avenue property owners.
Motion by Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle to approve the April 11, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.
125th Avenue – Road Maintenance: Several residents residing on 125th Avenue were present to speak to the Board about road maintenance on 125th Avenue. Mike Lutgen spoke on behalf of the residents. 125th Avenue is not a Township road but a driveway serving the residents living there. The Board informed the resident’s that in order for the Township to accept 125th Avenue as a Township road, the road will need to meet certain Township specifications, as noted in the Township’s Road Ordinance. A copy of the Road Ordinance was given to Mr. Lutgen at the meeting prior. Joe Hendricks indicated that a seventy (70) foot diameter was needed to construct a turn around with a sixty-six (66) foot right away. The Board is requiring a survey be completed, at the expense of the residents, staking out four (4) extra feet to make the seventy (70) foot diameter turnaround. The Board is also requiring a signed agreement by a lawyer, with the six (6) property owners residing on 125th Avenue agreeing with the survey and with the noted property line changes due to the seventy (70) foot turn around requirement. A recorded copy of the road would also be needed, along with an opinion from the Township Engineer. The board will walk the property to get a better understanding of the situation. Once all of the noted requirements have been addressed, the board will entertain moving forward with approving 125th Avenue as a Township road.
Recess Board meeting at 8:05 p.m. resume Planning and Zoning meeting.
Resume Board meeting at 8:40p.m.
Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Wicker to approve April 18, 2017 83rd Avenue Road Project Special Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.
Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Wicker to approve the April 25, 2017 Local Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Ten (10) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of April in the amount of $18,810.45 (see claims list attached). Receipts for April totaled $1,106.50. Motion by Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle to pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.
New Business:
Annual Spring Road Assessment: 2017 Spring Roads Tour is complete.
Powder Ridge Liquor License Renewal: : Motion by Supervisor Wicker/Chair Loewen to approve the permit as presented by Powder Ridge consent form authorizing the County to issue liquor license from 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018. All in favor, motion carried.
Holy Cross Parish Festival Gambling Permit: Motion by Supervisors Wicker/ Kuechle to approve the permit as presented by Holy Cross consent form authorizing the County to issue liquor license from 7/1/2017 – 6/30/2018. All in favor, motion carried.
Weed Spraying (AIP Contract): The Board discussed weed spraying. Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Wicker to approve the weed spraying contract with AIP Management for the 2017 weed season. All in favor, motion carried. Supervisor Wicker will be in contact with Bryan Bruening. A legal notice will be published in the Tri-County News the 18th and 25th of May, with spraying starting the beginning of June, weather permitting.
Township Fines & Fees Generated by Law Enforcement Citations:
- Pass Resolution Approving Joint Powers Agreement with the BCA:
- Joint Powers Agreement – State of Minnesota (BCA) and Maine Prairie Township:
Due to a recent legislative law change, Townships can now receive two-thirds of the fines that are paid to the Courts for convictions for crimes occurring in Townships. Townships must process the required paperwork in order to begin receiving these fines.
The State Court Administrator’s Office requires an ORI number to send Townships fine revenue under the fine allocation statute. An ORI number is an “Originating Agency Identification” number. The State Court Administrator can only allocate fines to local governments that have an ORI.
The Joint Powers Agreement with the State (“State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement Authorized Agency” and Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment to CDJN Subscriber Agreement”) was signed by Chair Loewen and Clerk Hunt.
Motion by Chair Loewen seconded by Supervisor Kuechle to pass Resolution #2017-02 approving Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota and Maine Prairie Township. All in favor, motion carried.
Signage 133rd Avenue: Carrie Lyrek, a resident of 133rd Avenue inquired that a “slow” sign put just below the hill on 133rd Avenue. After Board discussion, the board decided not to have a sign placed, since the Township does not have a sign ordinance in place. Clerk Hunt to contact Carrie Lyrek and let her know the Board’s decision.
Old Business:
83rd Avenue Road Improvement Project – Shared Project with City of Kimball
- Bidding Agreement – MPT and the City of Kimball
- Set Date to Open and Award Bids
83rd Avenue Road Improvement Project was discussed by the Board. A Cooperative Bidding Agreement was entered into between Maine Prairie Township and the City of Kimball for the purpose of jointly bidding and partially reconstructing a portion of 83rd Avenue.
Motion by Supervisor Wicker/Chair Loewen to set May 30, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. as the special meeting date to open and review bids for the partial reconstruct of 83rd Avenue Road Improvement Project. All in favor, motion carried.
Bid Notice and Bidding documents were reviewed. Clerk Hunt to publish bid notice for 83rd Avenue Road Improvement Project, for two (2) consecutive weeks, in the Tri-County News on May 18th and May 25th. Clerk Hunt also to send a bid advertisement to Quest CDN, a Construction Data Network designed to deliver construction bid advertisements and project plan documents in a more cost effective way.
An invitation to submit bids for 83RD Avenue Road Improvement Project, along with a bid form and bidding documents and bid notice w/ cover letter will be sent to the six (6) contractors who responded to the original bid package. They are as follows:
- William D. Scepaniak, Inc.
- Kraemer Trucking
- Midwest Contracting
- Knife River Corporation – North Central
- Rice Contracting
- Schiendzielos & Son, Inc.
Dust Control: The Board discussed dust guarding. The Board determined which roads would be chloride. Tri-City Paving is scheduled to apply calcium chloride the week of May 22nd.
Review Hazards Mitigation Plan: The Board reviewed the copy of the updated goals received from Michelle Neu, Emergency Management, Stearns County. Clerk Hunt to send confirmation of acceptance to Neu at Stearns County.
- The Election Equipment Update sent from the County was reviewed by the Board.
- Chair Loewen, Clerk Hunt, and Deputy Clerk Robinson to attend the Couri & Ruppe Legal Seminar on June 8th.
- Clerk Hunt to order 911 sign for Dan and Kendra Stein – 14428 75th Avenue.
- The Five Year Construction Plan Draft from Stearns County was reviewed by the Board.
There being no further business, motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Wicker to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Hunt