February 14, 2017

Planning & Zoning Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
February 14, 2017

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.

Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve January 10, 2017 Planning and Zoning meeting minutes. All in favor, motion passed.

New Business:
Brian Dietman – Brian is requesting to have AHE Granite’s 3 ½ acres rezoned from Ag-A80 to Commercial zoning to allow for expansion of the business. County is suggesting Industrial zoning. Taxes are paid as commercially zoned rather than agriculturally zoned at present time. Board will check with Environmental Services to discuss commercial vs. industrial zoning prior to making any decision regarding the request to rezone. Matter tabled until March 7th meeting.

Tom Weber – Mr. Weber is requesting Board to approve a 17 acre plat split from his existing 56 acres in accordance with the survey presented. This split will leave Mr. Weber with a 39 acre parcel with two (2) building entitlements remaining. Motion by Supervisor Loewen/Zoning Administrator Froehling to approve the Tom Weber plat as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

Dennis & Janice Schmitz – Dennis presented a survey to the Board requesting approval of a boundary line adjustment between his property and Dorothy Schmitz property. Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve the requested boundary line adjustment and issue a certificate of compliance contingent upon receipt of a power of attorney authorizing Dennis Schmitz to pursue this matter on behalf of Dorothy Schmitz. All in favor, motion carried.

Mark Roerick – Mr. Roerick was not present. Chair Wicker presented the land split documents given to him by Mr. Roerick. Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Loewen to grant a certificate of compliance for the land split in accordance with Mr. Roerick’s request. All in favor, motion carried.

Zoning Administrator Froehling presented three (3) permits for approval as follows:

Mackereth PropertiesRenewal for Gravel Permit$50.00
Kraemer TruckingRenewal for Gravel Permit$50.00
Knife River/AtwoodRenewal for Gravel Permits$100.00
Knife River/Sommer  


There were two (2) County permits issued.

  • Edward Stein - 14’ X 32’ Accessory Structure
  • Katie Zoller - 32’ X 60’ Pole Shed/14’ X 60’ Lean to Addition

Motion by Supervisor Loewen/Chair Wicker to approve permits as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

There being no further business, Motion by Supervisor Kuechle/Chair Wicker to adjourn Planning and Zoning at 7:35 p.m. and reconvene to Board meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Lori Hunt,Clerk/Treasurer