May 9, 2017

Planning & Zoning Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
May 9, 2017

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.

Motion by Supervisor Wicker/Zoning Administrator Froehling to approve April 11, 2017 Planning and Zoning meeting minutes with correction in the last paragraph from “Chair” Wicker to “Supervisor” Wicker. All in favor, motion passed.

New Business:
Annandale Rock Products – Interim Use Permit Public Hearing: :  The public hearing opened with Clerk Hunt reading the legal notice published in the Tri-County News on April 27 and May 4 notifying residents of the hearing. There were no calls or letters received concerning this hearing. Chair Loewen called on Tim Ferrell, representative from Annandale Rock Products to review what they are proposing for this site. Ferrell explained that due to the improved economy, Annandale Rocks Products is requesting a gravel mining interim use permit to open and operate a mining and processing operation under the ownership of Gravco Land LLC., parcel #R20.11752.0000. Ferrell is requesting the same conditions be granted as the 2007 interim use permit. The Board added a condition that a maximum of fifty (50) acres be open at one time. Ferrell further explained the main operation of the gravel mine was to wash & crush gravel. Settling ponds will be used for recycling water, with a well appropriation permit already in place with the DNR. Signage was also discussed. Mr. Ferrell will comply with MNDOT signage standards.

Supervisor Wicker/Kuechle made a motion to close the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.  All in favor, motion carried. Board Discussion: There were no further comments. Hearing reopened.  Motion by Supervisor Wicker/Chair Loewen to grant the Interim Use Permit to Annandale Rock Products with the added condition above and conditions as set forth in the Permit No. IUP-1010 and in accordance with Annandale Rock Products 2007 Application for Interim Use Permit the attached as Exhibit A. All in favor, motion carried. Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle made a motion to adjourn the hearing at 7:30p.m. All in favor, motion carried

Richard Eckman – Preliminary Plat South Lakeside Farm Addition Plat 2: The preliminary plat of South Lakeside Farm Addition Plat 2 that was approved by the Board at the April 11, 2017, Planning and Zoning Meeting was not approved by the County. The lot size did not meet the County’s two (2) acre requirement. Mr. Eckman’s surveyor expanded the lot to 2.2 acres to satisfy the County. Eckman was present to get Board approval of the revised preliminary plat of South Lakeside Farm Addition Plat 2. Motion by Chair Loewen/Supervisor Kuechle to approve the revised preliminary plat of South Lakeside Farm Addition Plat 2. All in favor, motion carried.

Dave Weyer – Road Set Back Variance Request: Dave Weyer and his mother Joan Weyer were present to request information in regard to a variance to allow for a 22’ X 26’ garage with a road setback of 44’ from the center of East Shore Drive. Clerk Hunt to send a variance application to Mr. Weyer. Stakes will be placed for the Board to view.

Recessed Planning and Zoning at 7:45 p.m. to accommodate residents of 125th Avenue.

Planning and Zoning reopened at 8:05 p.m.

Subdivision Changes/Township Subdivision Process: Stearns County is amending Subdivision Ordinance #230, this amendment reduces the time it takes for approval of minor plats. It is the decision of the Township Board as to how to proceed. The Board will need to decide if they still want the preliminary plat and final plat to come to a township meeting or if they are willing to reduce that to one meeting for the preliminary plat and then allow the Board chair to sign the final plat outside of meeting. If the Board decides to go with this option Stearns County will draft a Resolution to document the Township plat approval process. After Board discussion, Clerk Hunt was instructed to contact Heidi Winskowski, Stearns County Environmental Services Department and request copies of both the current plat approval process and the end solution the County would like to see, Township and County together. This matter will be discussed again at the June 13th meeting.

Zoning Update from Stearns County:  In an ongoing effort to reduce dual permitting, Stearns County Environmental Services Department is asking all Townships to adhere to the Memorandums of Understanding and eliminate dual permitting. If Townships are not in favor of this change, the Stearns County Environmental Services Department is asking the Township to either amend the MOU to take on the role of permitting new homes (and other structures) or discontinue issuing permits for structures where the County is the permitting authority. If the Township is in favor of this change, effective May 1st the following will occur:

  • Stearns County will process Construction Site Permits in the Shoreland & Floodplain Overlay District without first requiring a property owner to obtain a signature from the Township.
  • When processing an application, the Department will review the Township Ordinance prior to issuance of the permit and send an applicant to the Township if the proposal doesn’t comply with the Township Ordinance.
  • There will be a condition on permits in Townships that enforce State Building Code that an applicant contact the building official for building permits.

The Board will seek advice from the Township Attorney in regard to Stearns County implementing this new zoning update. More discussion to follow at the June 13, 2017 meeting.

Gravel Mining Permit on Parcel#20.11741.0000:  It was brought to the Board’s attention that mining very close to the property lines was being conducted on said property. It was determined that back in 2007 an agreement was entered into with Knife River Corporation-North Central currently the operator of the Sommers and the MNDot gravel sites agreeing to allow Knife River Corporation to mine up to the property line to mine into the setback by eliminating setbacks.

Zoning Administrator Froehling presented five (5) permits for approval as follows:

Chad Nelson34’ X 44’ Residential Structure$50.00
Larry KunkelNew House w/attached garage$100.00
Jacob HusetDriveway on 93rd Avenue$50.00
Bill NelsonNew Log home w/attached garage 8’ X 18’ Covered Porch$100.00
Jeff Orbeck50’ X 56’ Addition to Pole Shed$50.00

There was one (1) county permit issued and reviewed:

  • Tom Konz Feedlot

Motion by Supervisor Kuechle/Supervisor Wicker to approve permits as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

There being no further business, Motion by Supervisor Kuechle/Chair Loewen to adjourn Planning and Zoning at 8:40 p.m. and reconvene to Board meeting. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Hunt