December 13, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
December 13, 2016

Attendees: Chair Wicker, Supervisor Kuechle, Supervisor Loewen, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Joe Hendricks, John Loch, Dan and Kendra Stein, James McGowan and Tom Zipoy.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Wicker with the pledge to the flag.

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.

Board meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m.

Motion by Supervisor Loewen/Chair Wicker to approve the November 15, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Eight (8) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of November in the amount of $12,768.99 (see claims list attached).  Receipts for November totaled $2,485.96.  Motion by Supervisor Kuechle/Chair Wicker to approve the Treasurer’s report subject to Audit and pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business:
Tri-County Humane Society Contract: Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to enter into the Humane Society agreement, but to exclude cats and other domestic animals from the agreement. All in favor, motion carried.

150th Street Letter – RDO/Caesar Larson: Clerk Hunt to send letters and photos to RDO and Caesar Larson notifying them of damages caused to 150th Street.

Old Business:
2017 Road Projects – 83rd Avenue: After the boring results are received from Independent Testing Technologies, Clerk Hunt to contact Supervisor Loewen, and write a letter to Randy Sabart asking for a recommendation on how to proceed with 83rd Avenue road construction and Lakeside Court.

Lakeside Court – Plowing and Grading:  The Township will not be plowing or grading Lakeside Court since it is not a Township Road.

2015 Resurface Project – Retainage:  Chair Wicker waiting for a call back about this matter.

Road Standards Ordinance/Policy:  Deputy Clerk Robinson prepared a revised draft document for Board review. After careful consideration by the Board, Robinson was instructed to make changes and resend corrected document for Board review.

Discussion Items:

  • The Maine Prairie Township Newsletter was reviewed by the Board, Clerk Hunt to make corrections and email final copy to the Board for review.
  • Clerk Hunt to register Supervisor Loewen for Online Appeals and Equalization Training.
  • Clerk Hunt to remind Chair Wicker of Candidacy Filing.
  • 12/20 Clerk meeting with the County RE March Elections.
  • Clerk Hunt to order 911 sign – 12106 County Road 150 – Craig Henneman
  • Clerk Hunt to order 202nd Street sign.
  • Clerk Hunt to order 911 sign - 12660 179th Street – Jeff and Nikki Schmitz

There being no further business, motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Loewen to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:30 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectively submitted,

Lori Hunt