March 2, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
March 2, 2016

Attendees: Chair Kuechle, Supervisor  Wicker, Supervisor Loewen, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Joe Hendricks, Audit Manager Caroline Stutsman CPA, Gary and Andy Linn, Mark and Lisa Stommes, Jeffrey Lerum, and Randy Meierhofer.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Kuechle with the pledge to the flag.

Audit Manager, Caroline Stutsman CPA, presented the 2015 Audit to the Board.

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:20 p.m.

Board meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m.

Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Wicker to approve the February 9, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Five (5) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of February in the amount of $10,598.16 (see claims list attached). Receipts for February totaled $703.16.  Motion by Supervisors Wicker/Loewen to approve the Treasurer’s report subject to Audit and pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

Supervisor Loewen moved to approve the Audit as presented for the year 2015. Seconded by Supervisor Wicker. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business:
2016 Road Maintenance Quotes:  Road Maintenance quotes were received from Hendricks Sand & Gravel Inc. for blading/shoulder reclaiming, gravel hauling, and mowing.  The quotes were opened and read at the meeting.

After review of the blading/shoulder reclaiming quotes, gravel hauling quotes, and mowing quotes, motion by Supervisors Loewen/Wicker to accept the quotes for blading/shoulder reclaiming, gravel hauling, and mowing from Hendricks Sand & Gravel Inc. for the summer 2016 work.  All in favor, motion passed.

2016 Lawn Care Agreement/Stockinger LawnScape:  Supervisor Loewen moved to accept bids from Stockinger Lawn Scape and enter into the 2016 Lawn Care Agreement. Seconded by Supervisor Wicker. All in favor, motion carried.

Shared Road Maintenance Agreements: The Board discussed Shared Road Agreements entered into between Maine Prairie Township and the following: Kingston Township, Luxemburg Township, City of Rockville and the City of Kimball. Supervisor Wicker moved to approve renewal of the Shared Road Agreement with Maine Prairie Township and Luxemburg Township. It is 133rd Avenue beginning at 175th Street following South to County Road 149. This agreement supersedes the Maintenance Agreement between Maine Prairie Township and Luxemburg Township dated the 14th day of December, 2010, and will exchange road responsibilities every five (5) years. Seconded by Supervisor Loewen. All in favor, motion carried.

Clerk Hunt to send a copy of the Shared Road Agreement between Maine Prairie Township and the City of Kimball informing them that Maine Prairie is satisfied with this agreement.

Elmer Haus – Chloriding: The Board discussed dust guarding on Haus Road.

Score Grant: Motion by Chair Loewen/Supervisor Wicker to apply for the Score Grant offered by the County for ditch clean up.  All in favor, motion passed.

Jeffrey Lerum/163rd Street Shouldering:  Mr. Lerum was present to speak to the Board about a shouldering concern on the north side of 163rd Street near the public landing and beach area. The Board assured Mr. Lerum that this shouldering issue would be taken care of this summer.

Dust Guarding Notice: A notice will be published in the Tri-County News on April 14th and April 21st and letters with an application will be sent to residents who requested dust control in 2015.

Old Business:
Roads Standards Policy: The Roads Standards Policy was discussed. No decision made at this time.

Annual Meeting
Fire Protection Contracts:  The Annual Meeting and Fire Protection Contracts were discussed. The Fire Protection Contract between the City of Kimball and Maine Prairie Township is up for renewal for a ten (10) year term. Per, Atty Couri, the Board decided to renew this Fire Services Contract between the City of Kimball and Maine Prairie Township

The projected amounts will be presented to the Electorate for approval at the Annual Meeting.

Watkins Fire Department                 $ 6,033.24    Contract Year:  4/1/2016 through 3/31/2017
Kimball Fire Department                $51,915.48     Contract Year   1/1/2017 through 12/31/2017
Rockville Fire Department              $20,122.00    Contract Year   4/1/2016 through 3/31/2017

Supervisor Wicker to meet with the City of Rockville, prior to the Annual Meeting, and discuss the significant increase in the City of Rockville’s fire contract amount.

Board of Appeals is Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.

2016 Short Course Trainings/ Chair Kuechle and Clerk Hunt to attend.
Stearns County Bridge Inspection Report was reviewed.
Supervisors Wicker/Kuechle to attend Noxious Weed Meeting, April 6, 2016.

The financial statements for the Annual Meeting were reviewed.

There being no further business, motion by Supervisor Wicker/Loewen to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:20 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectively submitted,

Lori Hunt