May 10, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
May 10, 2016

Attendees: Chair Wicker, Supervisor  Kuechle, Supervisor Loewen, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson. (See signature list attached).

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Wicker with the pledge to the flag.

Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 7:00 p.m.

Board meeting reconvened at 7:18 p.m.

Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve the April 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Chair Wicker/Supervisor Kuechle to approve the April 26, 2016 Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Eleven (11) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of April in the amount of $34,828.61 (see claims list attached).  Receipts for April totaled $1,621.91.  Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve the Treasurer’s report subject to Audit and pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business: 
Order of Business changed to accommodate residents:
Larson Feedlot:  A group of residents attended and spoke to express their concerns about a swine producing feedlot conditional use permit submitted to Stearns County by Caesar Larson. The permit will be acted on at the Stearns County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on June 16th at 7 p.m. Primary concerns of the residents are nitrates leaking into the groundwater, pollution of the lakes and streams and offensive odors which eventually, in their opinion, would decrease property values. Residents asked the Board to consider a temporary moratorium on feedlots with a goal to adopt an ordinance to regulate feedlots. Residents are working with outside sources proposing that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet be prepared. The Board took action by a motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle that a condition be added to Larson’s conditional use permit to provide for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. All in favor, motion carried. The Board advised the residents that they would seek the opinion of the Township Attorney at a special meeting to discuss options for a moratorium and an ordinance.

Holy Cross Gambling Permit/Minnows Unlimited (Pearl Lake Lodge) Liquor Permit/Powder Ridge Liquor License Renewal:  Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve permits as presented by Holy Cross Church, Minnows Unlimited and also the Powder Ridge consent form authorizing the County to issue liquor license from 7/1/2016 – 6/30/2017. All in favor, motion carried.

Maine Prairie Twp/City of Kimball Shared Road Agreement: After Board discussion, it was decided to table the shared road agreement with the city of Kimball.

Tom Donnay/Return Check:  Supervisor Kuechle inspected 140th Street for damage due to boring under this road. Kuechle reported no damage. Motion by Supervisors Kuechle/Loewen to send back Tom Donnay’s damage deposit of $500.00. All in favor, motion carried.

2016 Road Projects:  The Board discussed the potential road projects for 2016. Supervisor Loewen contacted Jesse Petersen, Knife River and received a breakdown on pricing of full depth reclamation, shoulder reclaiming, and patching etc. Roads being considered are 83rd Avenue from County Road 44 to 135th Street, 83rd Avenue from 135th Street to 137th Street, 137th Street from 135th Street to Badger Road and Badger Road from 137th Street to Cul-De-Sac. Supervisor Loewen to get clarification on patching. Further discussion to follow at the June 14th Board Meeting.

Weed Spraying (AIP Management Contract) Legal Notice:  The Board discussed weed spraying. Motion by Chair Wicker/Supervisor Kuechle to approve the weed spraying contract with AIP Management for the 2016 weed season. All in favor, motion carried. Chair Wicker will be in contact with Bryan Bruening. A legal notice will be published in the Tri-County News the 19th and 26th of May, with spraying starting the beginning of June, weather permitting.

Haus Road/Century Link Utilities:  The utility company, Century Link, is refusing to remove or relocate their shallow line in an area where the Town wants to do some ditch cleaning. They would remove or relocate at the Town’s expense. Deputy Clerk Robinson to contact Attorney Mike Couri and seek his advice.

Old Business:
Dust Control:  The Board discussed dust guarding. Tri-City Paving is scheduled to apply calcium chloride the week of May 23rd.

Discussion Items:
Supervisor Kuechle , Supervisor Loewen and Clerk Hunt to attend the Township Legal Seminar/Couri & Ruppe on Thursday, June 2nd.  There is no cost for the seminar.

No change in the MATIT Consolidated Coverage Renewal.

There being no further business, motion by Chair Wicker/Supervisor Loewen to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectively Submitted,

Lori Hunt