August 2, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes
Maine Prairie Township
August 2, 2016

Attendees: Chair Wicker, Supervisor Kuechle, Supervisor Loewen,  Clerk/Treasurer Hunt, Deputy Clerk Robinson, Zoning Administrator Froehling, Joe Hendricks, & (See signature list attached).

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Wicker with the pledge to the flag.

Order of meeting changed to accommodate speakers. Supervisor Kuechle moved to modify agenda and start with the presentations, seconded by Supervisor Loewen. All in favor, motion carried.

Chair Wicker provided attendees and Township residents with background information as to why the Township invited in guest speakers for tonight’s meeting.  Wicker stated that the Kimball Clean Water Association was formed to address water quality issues after Caesar Larson applied for a conditional use permit to construct a 2500 unit facility which will house farrowing sows brought in as gilts. This in turn led the Kimball Clean Water Association to direct their attention to the Maine Prairie Town Board for questions and answers regarding ground water quality and or contamination in the Township.

The Town Board invited in professionals with expertise in ground water quality, soil and agriculture. These professionals spoke on what their agencies have done, are doing and findings or studies to-date in regard to groundwater quality and contamination. Following each presentation, time was allotted for questions and answers by attendees and Township residents.

Presenters were as follows:

  • Dennis J. Fuchs, Administrator, Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District.
  • Jennifer Gallus, Soil Scientist, Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
  • Anne Struffert, Ag Water Quality, Extension Educator at University of Minnesota.
  • Becky Schlorf, Supervisor, Agriculture and Water Resources Division (Stearns County Environmental Services Department).
  • Curtis Wunderlich, Hydrologist, Well Management/Environmental Services, Minnesota Department of Health.


Planning and Zoning meeting opened at 8:45 p.m.  

Board meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m.

Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve the July 12, 2016 Board meeting minutes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
Eight (8) claims were presented for approval and payment for the month of July in the amount of $6,588.76 (see claims list attached). Receipts for July totaled $99,755.69. Motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to approve the Treasurer’s report subject to Audit and pay claims as presented. All in favor, motion carried.

New Business:
Land O’Lakes Propane Pre-buy:  Supervisor Kuechle moved to approve prebuying 500 gallons of propane at a price of $1.049, for a total cost of $524.50. Seconded by Supervisor Loewen. All in favor, motion carried.

Dead End Sign/103rd Avenue:  Clerk Hunt to order dead end sign to be placed at 127th Street and 103rd Avenue. 127th Street is an abandoned road leading into and through the Bob VanNurden property.

Stop Sign/Gordy Serbus:  Gordy Serbus spoke with Supervisor Kuechle requesting a stop sign be placed on County Road 150 and 103rd Avenue. Supervisor Kuechle to notify Mr. Serbus that since this is a County road, he should contact the County with his request.

Tyler Serbus – North Side of Goodner Lake:  Tyler Serbus contacted the Township regarding branches in the right-of-way on 126th Avenue.  Chair Wicker will contact Jeremy Norgren and have him trim the branches that are in the right of way. Mr. Serbus will take the wood.

Jerome Leonard: Mr Leonard contacted Supervisor Kuechle of a problem with dust guarding. Mr. Leonard will receive dust guarding in the spring of 2017 at no charge.

Old Business:
2016 Road Projects – 83rd Avenue/Maine Prairie Twp/City of Kimball Shared Road Agreement:  83rd Avenue road improvements were discussed. Clerk Hunt to notify Nicole at the City of Kimball to set a meeting date to discuss Maine Prairie Township and the City of Kimball shared road agreement. 83rd Avenue road improvements and a course of action will also be discussed at this meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 30th at 7:00 p.m. at the Maine Prairie Township Hall.

Road Plan:  Road plan is tabled until the September 13, 2016 Board meeting.

Discussion Items:
The District 5 meeting notice was discussed. No one from Maine Prairie Township will be attending.

There being no further business, motion by Supervisors Loewen/Kuechle to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:20 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectively Submitted,

Lori Hunt